Missionary Prayer
Almighty Lord, Father of Jesus, Your first missionary,
You poured out your Spirit on the first disciples,
empowering them to preach the Gospel to all nations.
Almighty Lord, Father of all missionaries,
help me to be a missionary in spirit and in truth, in word and in deed
Give me and my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world
Your Spirit today
so that we may sow the truth of the Gospel in all hearts
and proclaim your kingdom of justice, compassion and peace to the ends of the earth,
especially in Guatemala.
Bless all our works and efforts,
Bless La Mision Encontrándome con Cristo
call many missionaries to join in this mission;
may we never forget
our brother and sisters in Guatemala
Such is my prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We pray for you
We pray for all our Guatemala Mission Friends and Benefactors all year round.
The people in the village (San Pedro Chichaq) and our Scholars from the ESP (Education Scholarship Program) pray for you you and your intentions as well.
Please keep us in your prayers...
Let us pray to the Lord...
Mama Mary, intercede for us...
San Jose Sanchez del Rio, Mission Patron Saint, pray for us!
La Virgen de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros!

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