Interested individuals who are willing to share and sacrifice their time, talent and resources, for example, caring adults, young people, teachers, doctors, nurses, medical professionals —- everyone who is willing to work in a mission area. Our space is filled very quickly and is on First Come Basis. All new and interested missionaries must email their request to join the Mission, starting past midnight on July 31 to [email protected]
The greatest commandment of God is to love God with one’s whole heart and one’s neighbor as oneself (Mt. 22:37-40). Christ has made this love of the neighbor His personal commandment and has enriched it with a new meaning “when you showed it to one of the least of my brothers and sisters here, you did it to ME” (Mt. 25:40); by going to a mission we spread this love of Jesus and foster the missionary spirit.
The date on 2024 is scheduled for June 21-30, 2024. Generally, the mission is scheduled during the last week of June. For 2025, June 20-29, 2025
In Santa Maria Cahabon, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Guatemala is surrounded by volcanoes, many are active, so you can just imagine how beautiful the country is — surrounded with beautiful plants, flowers, and lagunas, etc. Guatemala is filled with a rich history and interesting stories. The normal temperature in the months of June and July is about 75-85 degrees, but it is lower/higher in the other parts of the country. We will fly into Guatemala City, and travel by bus to mission area. --- The people in the villages are filled with faith, joy, simplicity, kindness and generosity... Currently, we are serving our poor brothers and sisters in aldea (village) - Kaqpeqal Chisip
What to expect, what to bring, etc…. All interested missionaries must attend the Mandatory Meetings -- to offer the opportunity to meet fellow missionaries, to answer questions that you may still have and to discuss many important things about the mission. All missionaries are expected to attend these important meetings.
Participation in this opportunity to help others and go to a 10 days mission will require personal sacrifices in regards to the expenses that will be incurred by you, my fellow missionaries:
- Approximate airfare: $900.00-1,500
- Very simple shared dormitory and meals: $550.00
- Land Transportation: $600.00
- Mission Cross: $5.00
- 1 Missionary Shirt Required: $30.00
When time allows... we will try to visit some interesting spots in the country during our Tourist Day.