
Tinaco (Water Cistern) Used for capturing Fresh Rain Water. This brings fresh, clean water for cooking and drinking.


(Water Filters) Used for additional purification of drinking/cooking water

Dry Goods Distribution 

This consists of corn, beans, rice, non-perishable goods.


(Wood burning Stove) Reduces usage of wood for burning by 75%, conserving natural resources and vents smoke outside of home, reducing illness from smoke inhalation.


(Wash basin) Used for washing clothing, dishes.

Education Scholarship Program (ESP)

This Guatemala Mission video is about our first Scholars, 3 of them who are beginning classes in the University. It is our first time, for Guatemala Mission, to send scholars to the University in the city, Universidad Rafael Landivar. Education is the most powerful tool that a person can have to come out of poverty. We now sponsor scholarships for high school, trade schools and colleges.

Guatemala Mission - ESP and Antigua

Solar LED Lighting

(Currently work by candle light) Bring 4-5 hours of lighting to each home and church.



Financial Support

To Congregaćion de Marta y Maria, Order of Sisters operating in Jalapa, Guatemala, Hogar Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, an orphanage for abused and neglected girls, ranging from infant to eighteen years of age, poor parishes and dioceses in Mission territories, etc.

  • Whatever else is needed