Serenity Prayer ...

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with God
Forever and ever in the next. Amen.
--- Reinhold Niebuhr

Lord, have mercy!
Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy!

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!

+ + +

La Oracion de la Serenidad

Dios,dame gracia para aceptar con serenidad
Las cosas que no pueden ser cambiadas,
Valentía para cambiar las cosas
Las cuales deben ser cambiadas
Y la Sabiduría para distinguir
Lo uno de lo otro.

Viviendo un día a la vez,
Disfrutando un momento a la vez,
Aceptando el infortunio como camino hacia la paz,
Tomando, como hizo Jesús
Este pecaminoso mundo como es
No como lo tendría,
Confiando en que Tú harás todas las cosas bien,
Si me rindo a Tu voluntad,
Asi tal vez podría ser razonablemente feliz en esta vida
Y extremadamente feliz junto a Ti en la
Eternidad. Amén

St. Joseph, pray for us!

+ + +

Let us pray for peace in the hearts of all people, especially in places of conflict and unrest...

Let us pray for Pope Francis, all Bishops and priests...

Let us pray for all the leaders of nations, nationals and locals, especially our great country...

Let us pray for the Guatemala Mission, Missionaries, Friends and Benefactors...

Let us pray for the Ministry of Healing and Liberation: The Pax Christi Healing Ministry and The Deus Caritas Deliverance Ministry, all members and their families, friends and benefactors ...

Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters who are wounded and hurting -- for the healing of their mind, body, spirit, family and relationships...

Let us pray for those who are needing liberation and freedom from the evil spirits...

All for the Greater Glory of God!

Ave Maria!

Litany of the Saints-frrjtc-pdf


All for the Greater Glory of God!

Ave Maria!


Let us never cease to pray for one another ..

Holy Rosary - fb live stream daily at 7:30am daily

Unless otherwise stated, the praying of the Holy Rosary will be live stream daily at 7:30am.

Follow us at fb Pax Christi Healing Ministry and "like us"

If you do not have a fb account - that is alright. Simply download the fb app and visit Pax Christi healing Ministry  page

Is that simple.... Thank you!

Beginning of Lent 2025 Retreat

@ Our Lady of Hope Catholic Retreat Center, Osyka, MS.

3167 Old Highway 51

Osyka, MS 39657

To register, please go to


Holy Mass and Healing Services

April 11, 2024 (2nd Thursday) - St. Andrew Catholic Church, Amelia, LA

6pm - Confession

6:30pm - Holy Rosary

7:00pm - Holy Mass and Healing Services

May 2, 2024 - 1st Thursday

June 13, 2024 (2nd Thursday)

July 11, 2024 (2nd Thursday)

** Please see the note in the calendar

Send Poor Students to School (ESP)-Buy Guatemala Mission Coffee

Please support the Guatemala Mission. Please support our ESP (Education Scholarship Program) Program to help poor but deserving students by ordering Guatemala Mission Coffee. Currently, we have 52 Scholars. Enjoy the coffee that helps and lifts the life of the poor...check our website:

For more information and to see the different options to place an order, please visit: or call 985-300-3227

Support Guatemala Mission - you can do so by choosing Guatemala Mission  as your charitable organization when shopping through Amazon. All the same, except that through their program smile --- you can support us. Thank you!

Please remember us in your will and charitable efforts and outreach.

  • The Guatemala Mission
  • The Ministry of Healing and Liberation

Thank you! May the Good Lord remember your generosity and kindness.

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